Infrastructure Planning

Photo of Sisters City Hall.

Key to sustainable growth management is ensuring that infrastructure keep pace with development.  This includes maintaining a functional transportation system, ensuring adequate water and wastewater capacity and constructing a robust park and recreation system.

Per Statewide Planning Goal 12 (Transportation), transportation planning is required of each city and county in the state.  Sisters updated its Transportation System Plan (TSP) in 2021 and utilizes population projections for 20 years into the future to plan a transportation system that will support the cities anticipated growth with specific vehicle, bicycle and pedestrian improvements needed to keep pace with growth.  The TSP also includes a funding plan to implement it – primarily through System Development Charges (SDC's) levied on new development to ensure that growth pays its own way. 

Statewide Planning Goal 11 (Public Facilities) requires master planning for public facilities in anticipation of future growth, namely adequate provision of water and wastewater facilities.  Recently, the city updated both its Water Master Plan and Wastewater Master Plan.  SDC's also help pay for these improvements. 

To address parks and recreation needs, the Sisters Parks Master Plan was updated in 2022 (implementing Statewide Planning Goal 8 - Recreational Needs) to provide direction for current and long-range planning in the park system.  The Plan was prepared in collaboration with City staff, stakeholders, and community residents and documents the research, analysis, and community involvement process used to identify system assets and needs.  The Plan follows a systems approach, as recommended by the National Recreation and Parks Association (NRPA), which places local values and needs first and provides a framework for creating a park system to meet those values and needs. 

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