Urban Forestry Board

Big Tree

The Urban Forestry Board (UFB) serves as an advisory board to the Council regarding matters affecting the management of the urban forest, including all trees located within public rights-of-way, parks and public places owned or controlled by the City and providing recommendations to staff regarding City ordinances and Codes involving trees.

  • The UFB generally meets the 2nd Monday of every month at 3:00 pm.
  • The Board has five members with terms of three years, appointed by the Mayor with consent of the Council.
  • Only two Board members can be nonresidents of the city. Any nonresident members must reside within the Sisters School District boundaries.
  • All positions are volunteer and unpaid.

Staff Contact: Jackson Dumanch at trayburn [at] ci.sisters.or.us (jdumanch[at]ci[dot]sisters[dot]or[dot]us)   (541) 323-5220