Every person, firm, company or corporation located within the City of Sisters must secure a business license. All businesses are required to comply with local, state, and federal laws. Non-profit organizations who engage in business activities are required to secure a license. To find out if you are within the City limits please call City Hall at (541) 549-6022.
In addition, the following types of businesses are required to purchase a business license:
- A door to door solicitor
- A non-permanent business who conducts business within the City on a regular basis
- Any business that engages in construction activities within the City
The City of Sisters business license is effective from July 1 through June 30. License fees are set by Council resolution. The fee for a new license is prorated by quarter.
All City business license certificates must be posted in a conspicuous place upon the premises of the business.
Business license certificates are not transferable. Change of ownership requires a new application to be completed.
An application form for a city business license may be obtained at Sisters City Hall, 520 E. Cascade Avenue or by downloading the application below. Your completed application with check for payment of license fees can be dropped off at City Hall or mailed to:
City of Sisters
P.O. Box 39
Sisters, Oregon 97759
Please allow 2 weeks to process your application and issue your license. A change of business address requires a new business application to be completed.
Once you have obtained a license, a renewal notice will be mailed to you before the expiration date. If you do not receive a renewal notice, please contact City Hall at (541) 549-6022. Failure to receive a renewal notice does not relieve the business owner's responsibility of renewing the business license.
Violation of any provision of the business license ordinance is subject to a fine not to exceed $100 for each violation. The City may also file suit for an injunction against the business until the license fee is paid.