Short Term Rental Program

UPDATE (April 2024): 

For the 2023-24 fiscal year, the City Council (Council) adopted several goals to accomplish in the coming year. One of those goals is to “evaluate Short-Term Rental Code language to mitigate adverse impacts on the community.” The Council identified this as a priority based on community input and Councilor concerns regarding the impacts of Short-Term Rentals. Specifically, the Council identified concerns with the availability of housing units for long-term occupancy and nuisances created by Short-Term Rentals.

The City Council and Planning Commission have conducted a series of workshops to evaluate the program. The following is a summary of these workshops:

No changes to the program are currently proposed. Any changes will be subject to the formal review process, including public hearings. Check back for more information or sign up for City of Sisters E-Notifications to stay up to date.

Staff Contact:  For project information, please contact Matthew Martin, Principal Planner at (541) 323-5208 or


Owners of existing and new Short-Term Rentals (STR) are subject to specific use regulations. Read further to learn:

1) Is your property is eligible for a Short Term Rental (STR)?

2) What regulations and permits are needed for an STR?

3) How to keep your STR. 

1) STR Eligibility

Click here or use the link below to see if your property may be eligible to be an STR. 

* Please note, this map is updated periodically. For the most updated information please call 541-549-5207 to confirm a property is eligible. 

Enter the property address into the upper left search bar, and a small gray dot will pop up on the property. You can zoom in to see what that property's eligibility is (color coding is described below).

  • Blue = Existing STR
  • Yellow = 250 ft buffer where no other STRs are allowed
  • Red = Site is ineligible for STR
  • No color overlay = Eligible for an STR

2a) Land Use Permit Requirement

  • A land use permit is required for all STR properties (use of a residential dwelling unit for less than a period of 30 consecutive days). Commercial units (i.e. hotels and motels) are not considered STRs.
  • New STRs cannot be located within 250 ft of an existing STR (except for condominiums and property located in the Highway and Downtown Commercial Districts).  Please call 541-549-5207 to determine if a property is eligible to become a STR.
  • Land Use Permits for STR applications submitted after 12/28/18 cannot be transferred to a new owner. STRs applied for or lawfully established prior to 12/28/18 are transferable to new property owners IF the new property owner obtains an STR Operating License within 60 days of the date of the transfer of property ownership.

2b) Initial STR Operating License  

All STR property owners are required to obtain a Business License ($105, prorated quarterly) with a supplemental Short Term Rental Operating License and pay the required supplemental fee for each STR unit ($100/ STR unit, not prorated quarterly).  

  • Existing STRs - Owners of existing STRs have until June 30 of each year to renew the STR Operating License.
  • New STRs - Owners of new STRs  have 60 days from when the Land Use Permit approval is issued to apply for an STR Operating License.

If an operating license is not applied for within the time period outlined above or is not renewed annually, the land use permit will become void due to abandonment of use.

3) License Maintenance