The City’s wastewater system is relatively new with construction occurring during the period of 2000 – 2002. The gravity collection system piping varies from 6” to 24” diameter with four (4) wastewater pump stations. The Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) is a 3-cell aerated lagoon system with winter holding, discharging to a dike and forest irrigation re-use system. In 2007 the City purchased a portion of the Lazy Z Ranch for future effluent reuse as part of planning for the future wastewater needs of Sisters.
The facility operates under a permit issued from the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality and is designed to treat municipal wastewater using the following sequence of unit processes.
- Influent Screening
- Aerated Lagoon Treatment
- Effluent Disinfection
- Effluent Conveyance and Land Application
The treatment facility receives all municipal and industrial waste water from the City of Sisters. For further description of these systems please call our Wastewater Operations at (541) 323-5212.