Election Information

Vote Logo

2024 Deschutes County General Election Results

Please note that all election signage must be taken down three days after the election. 

Election Signage

Campaign/Political signs are allowed to be displayed without a permit provided the sign complies with the following:

  •  The sign shall only be located on private property, with the permission of the property owner.
  •  The sign shall not be illuminated.
  •  The sign shall not be located in a manner to cause any traffic or pedestrian safety issues.
  •  The sign shall not be installed more than 60 days prior to the election and removed within 3 days after.
  •  In Residential zones the sign is limited to a maximum of 6 square feet in area and if freestanding, not more than 4 feet in height.
  •  In all other zones (commercial, industrial mixed-use, etc.) the sign shall not exceed 32 square feet in area and if freestanding, 5 feet in height.
  •  Signs shall not be installed in a manner that is prohibited per code

Please go to this link for more information on election signage.