
The City of Sisters strives to make every reasonable effort to provide equal access to all City-sponsored services, programs, activities and facilities for citizens and employees with disabilities.

Equal employment opportunities will be provided for all qualified individuals with a disability as defined by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).  The City will make reasonable modifications in policies, practices, procedures and facilities to ensure equal access and will operate its programs so that, when viewed as a whole, those programs are reasonably accessible to, and usable by, individuals with disabilities. 

Oregon Aging and Disability Resource Connection

Oregon’s Department of Human Services has an on-line resource connection for seniors and people with disabilities, their families and caregivers.  To access the resource database, please go to

ADA Meeting Accommodations

For information and/or arrangements for an interpreter or other means of communication or access accommodations for City Council meetings, please contact the City Recorder at (541) 323-5213. 

Barrier Removal Request: See form below.