City Parks Advisory Board

This City Parks Advisory Board meeting is accessible to the public either in person in Conference Room A at 520 E. Cascade Avenue, Sisters OR 97759 or via Zoom at the link below:

Visitor Communication:

  • Written comments can be provided by submitting an email to cjenkins [at] (cjenkins[at]ci[dot]sisters[dot]or[dot]us) or dropping them in the utility mail drop box at City Hall by 3:00 pm the day of the meeting.
  • If attending the meeting via Zoom, the public can request to speak virtually by submitting your name, address, and phone number and the subject you will be speaking on to cjenkins [at] (cjenkins[at]ci[dot]sisters[dot]or[dot]us) by 3:00 pm the day of the meeting.
  • If attending the meeting in person, you may fill out a Request-to-Speak form at the meeting and will be called on by the Chair during Visitor Communication.